• Jingmei Aluminium Industry Co.,Ltd.
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    Jingmei Aluminium Industry Co.,Ltd.

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    Jingmei Aluminium Industry Co.,Ltd.

    Contact:Mr Hu




    Add:Unit 1/Unit 2, No. 20 Bichuan Road, Jinyun Industrial Zone, Zhejiang Province - Yanglong Industrial Zone, Shizhu Town, Yongkang City, Zhejiang Province


    The outstanding characteristics of aluminumaluminum alloy performance


    The use of a substance depends to a large extent on the properties of the substance. Because aluminum has a variety of excellent properties, aluminum has an extremely wide range of uses.
    Aluminum and its aluminum alloys are currently one of the most widely used and most economical materials. Since 1956, the world's aluminum output has surpassed the copper output and has always ranked first in the non-ferrous metals. At present, the output and consumption of aluminum (calculated in tons) is second only to steel, and it has become the second largest metal used by human beings. Moreover, aluminum resources are very rich. According to preliminary calculations, the mineral reserves of aluminum account for more than 8% of the constituent materials of the earth's crust. .

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